Many thanks to Debs Carr for this - now I have to list 7 things about myself and pass it on to 7 other people. As I have a deadline to hit, I will pass this on to the first 7 people to comment. A cop out but a necessary one I feel.
So - here are 7 things.
1. My real name is not the one I am called.
2. Both Pip and I have had a succession of nicknames in the past. Mine have included Rabbit, Kit Kat, Sex Kitten (don't ask) and of course Flowerpot and Pop.
3. I never knew I was a dog person until Molls came along. (Don't tell Bussie - I'm a cat person too.)
4. I don't think regrets are a good thing in life, but I do wish we'd had I'd started writing professionally earlier.
5. I also wish I'd discovered singing earlier, for these two things keep me sane at the moment.
6. I have recently acquired friends from all over - Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, New Zealand and Australia. What does this say about me?
7. In my bag, in a plastic cover, is a torn envelope. The day before he died, Pip wrote, "I love you."
No.7 just made me tear up.
What a wonderful man.
I do hope you're doing ok, Sue. x
Makes me tear up every time I look at it, Laney. Sometimes I can't. Thanks for your thoughts. Some days are better than others.xx
Like Laney #7 choked me up.
I have a text message from MWM saying the same thing and I would be devastated if I deleted it by accident. Keep that message safe Sue.
I'm thinking of you. x
PS I'll pass on the meme if you don't mind.
Ak - you keep that message safe and I will do the same here. Please pass the meme on Ak - and you laney.
I'm in bits here. No 7 of course. My hubbie proposed by text message but I lost the vows he texted when my one phone stopped funtioning. Mx
Morton - oh NO! That's the problem with texts I suppose... xx
I was proposed to by text as well. And yes....I lost the phone.
Laney - you lot are hopeless! Please take the award though x
No 7....
What can I say. That's precious.
And I'm glad you're gathering friends from around the globe. It says that people want to know you - that's what it says about you.
You've made me well up again!
And... Sex Kitten? C'mon, Sue, spill!
A beautiful thing to carry with you always (#7.)
Lane - thanks. I like that they do!
Talli - that's another blog post methinks...
Julia - it is. I hope I never ever lose it.
Fabulous answers, especially #7, which brought a lump to my throat.x
Debs - I can't even look at it half the time.
C'mon - we want the Sex Kitten blog! Well done, Sue, you're hanging on in there. We're all thinking of you.
Chris - I should have kept my mouth well and truly shut over the Sex Kitten, shouldn't I? Am wondering how to get round this one....!
Keep thinking of you and wondering how you are coping. No 7 says it all really.
Great answers especially number 7
Like everyone else number 7 is a very emotional one to read. Thinking of you♥ Linda xx
Addy - overall I am doing OK. Work helps, a lot as do Molls and friends. Thanks for your thoughts. I often wonder how you are doing too. Take care.
Colette - it's difficult to think of things that might be of interest.
Linda - thanks for your thoughts x
Number 7 is priceless...... I still have the little 'I love you mummy' scraps of paper that my Jacob wrote and left all over the house when his father left us all... he was 6 and I think he was either scared thinking I to would leave or he was trying to reasure me that I was still loved - I know it is nowhere near the same as your note though....
I think of you every day since your sad news, you bounce around my head yet I feel so useless in your time of sadness..
Marmie - I think those notes from your Jacob are every bit as precious as mine. I am so touched by your kind thoughts - they mean so much. xx
Yes, like the others here, number 7 choked me up. A lovely post. I got tagged for this one, too and have today listed my 7 things.
CJ xx
CJ - will go and have a look at your 7 things now.....
Congratulations on your award!I'm blog hopping today. So happy I found your blog. Wishing you happiness, Katherine
Thanks Katherine - good to meet you.
Singing is a great joy. I wish I spent more time learning the clarinet.
What a romantic Pip was, lucky you to now have those special memories.
Ellee - singing is one of the best things I do at the moment. Just fabulous - and free!
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