Tuesday 8 March 2022

Rejections, competitions and another blow - but keep going

We all get weeks when things go wrong, don't we? Last week I had my first rejection for The Rescue, the novel I've just started to send out. It was a real blow, particularly as it came on the first weekend I'd decided to spend at home for two months, so I didn't see The Fella. The email arrived on Saturday afternoon, so took me completely by surprise, and I could have used a very large cuddle. All you writers out there can imagine how I felt.

The next thing was that a stockist I hoped would take my books emailed to say they needed a bigger discount which I couldn't afford, given the price I pay my publishers for my books.

Then last night at around 6pm I had a phone call from the company where I've been doing some temporary admin work for the last six weeks. Last Friday I was asked if I'd like to continue, and to provide cover for when the full time admin person is away/off sick etc. I said yes - it's very close to home, and the hours fit in with my writing. I went home feeling cheerful - at least with the horrendous rise in bills, this would provide a welcome and necessary buffer.

Anyway, the phone call last night was to say they wouldn't be needing me at all as from now - and I was due to go in tomorrow and Friday. "What?" I said, confused and wondering if I'd heard right. We had a long phone call and I explained that I was very surprised, given the conversation I'd had on Friday, but it appears that's how things are at the moment. Again, I think you can imagine how I felt.

But amongst all this, there were gems of kindness. A friend took me out for a birthday bowl of soup and walk at the weekend. Another friend, who is a very talented dressmaker, altered a pair of dungarees that I'd been given and refused any money. They look amazing so I can't wait to wear them - and give her a bottle of wine.

As for the writing side of things - well, I licked my wounds, felt sorry for myself and have sent it off to two novel writing competitions. I also had an email from the editor I've been working with which ended up saying, "Stay Strong. It’s a long old slog, but it’s a great book. Keep your chin up, and keep going!"

I think I will print that out and look at it whenever my resolve falters. And good luck to everyone else out there who is struggling - all around the world - with struggles small, large and life threatening.


Lulu said...

Hello Sue, sorry to hear of your three pronged blow. I think your editor's words are very wise - writing is a tough business, but I am sure your will persevere! How lovely of your friends to rally round with super soup and mod-ed dungarees too. Here's hoping for a better week, love from Lulu xXx

ADDY said...

I'm sorry you have had bad news on the publishing side. Sometimes, life is one step forward and two back. But we have to have hope. I must admit at the moment, when I have a bad day, I think of the poor people in the Ukraine and that helps me realise my problems are nowhere near as bad.

Flowerpot said...

Lulu - yes I will persevere! Thanks and hope your week is good. XX

Flowerpot said...

Addy - you're so right. Nothing can compare to what is going on in Ukraine.