Wednesday 19 October 2022

More progress but a lame Lainy

The good news is that everything is going ahead with publication of The Rescue. The corrections for the final proof have gone through and then publication should be (fingers crossed) end of October/beginning of November. There's been a huge amount to organise but it looks like it's all coming together, and I'm giving my first talk this weekend as part of Falmouth Book Festival, to publicise it, and arrange pre-orders, then the book launch date will be decided next week. I hope.

This was taken last weekend at Kynance Cove, where we visited with Twig but no Lainy as she is on house arrest. Or at least, rest.

Poor girl became lame when we were in North Devon, where we had a much needed break, made more relaxing by not having brilliant weather, and by Jac not feeling wonderful either. We went out every day, but poor Lainy couldn't walk for and we didn't feel like long hikes in the rain, so we had a wonderful week pottering about with some good walks while Lainy was OK and all in all it was a wonderful week.

Lainy went to the vet on our return who advised slow sniffy walks on lead for a few days, but for the rest of the week she was absolutely fine, until she ran down a steep hill and by the bottom she was limping but on the other paw. The vet advised 3 x 10 minute walks to make sure she rests, then as she wasn't getting better, we had to go in again. She appears to have damaged her shoulder so she's still on the very short walks per day but actually seems quite happy with that, as it's obviously too sore to walk further. So we have to leave her behind when we walk Twig or when I walk with my friends, and she must wonder why we're leaving without her. However, she appears to bear us no ill feeling, and is as loving and cheery as ever.

This has to go on for at least another week (we've done 10 days so far) and then, hopefully, she can begin to extend her exercise, but very gradually, so she doesn't wrench her shoulder again. Poor girl, it's not the same without her.

But think of me next Saturday, and if you'd like to come to the talk it's at 5pm at the Terrace Gallery, Penryn this Saturday 22nd October. All are welcome!

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