Dogs know when something's up, they really do, and little Molls often sits in the window looking out - for her dad? Yesterday a friend volunteered to look after her whenever I want if I'm going to be out for a long hospital run, so I took Molls round to meet her. You know people who love animals and Sheila adores them, cuddled Molls and I know that she would be much happier there having a cuddle with Sheila on the sofa in front of the fire than sitting in the cold at home while I'm out.
I am constructing a Survival Plan for Christmas which I have been dreading but everyone has been so kind and supportive that I feel a bit better about it now. The current plan is that my brother in law and I will go in and spend time with Himself on Christmas Day itself and he was very pleased about that, as am I. Then after I've walked Molls, my dear mate round the corner has invited me round there to eat with her daughter and grandchildren – and to bring Molls – so that will be lovely for us.
In the following days I am hoping to do a walk for the magazine (weather permitting) and see various friends.
This is such a strange situation – I have to take one day at a time and keep strong and positive for both of us. He is so incredibly brave and funny that I wonder how he has kept so positive for so long. The nurses and doctors all appreciate how special he is which makes a big difference, too.
So wherever you are, and whatever you do this Christmas, I hope there are moments of happiness.
I'll be thinking of you and yours, Flowerpot.
We all WILL get through this. love & hugs, SS.
Thanks Shelagh - I hope you have your own Plan in action! My thoughts are with you.xxxx
Pat - thank you and I hope your Christmas is a happy one.
'One day at a time' - it's the only way.
All the very best to you and Himself and of course to little Molls. x
Thanks Lane - have a good time yourself.
It's a shame Himself will be in the hospital but it sounds like he's being well looked after. I'm glad you have lots of lovely people around you.
Happy Christmas!
And a happy Christmas to you Talli!
It sounds like you have some wonderful friends and family, and together, you will do this.
I send you a big hug and every possible good wish for Christmas and the coming year.
Huge, huge hugs to you all. Hang on in there xxx
Huge, huge hugs to you all. Hang on in there xxx
Himself may not be able to spend all Christmas with you but the important thing is that he gets well isn't it?
Whatever you are doing over the holiday I wish both you, himself and Moll a Very Happy Christmas m'deario. xxxx
PS I'm still sending Reiki to Himself. x
Thanks Bluestocking - you've had your fair share this year and hope very much that 2011 is a good one for you.x
Kate - thanks so much and I am thinking of you with your loss. Take care.
Ak - many thanks for that. Have a lovely time yourself.
Thinking of you all. Sending you hugs.
Thanks Colette - much appreciated.
Sending you and yours my very best wishes - you're being so strong and positive. Here's to a better new year. Cx
It's amazing how we cope with what is thrown at us. Good wishes for a reasonably peaceful Christmas with you loved ones and friends.
Thanks Chris though not good news this end at all.
Addy - well you know what I'm going through right now. Hope your Christmas is a reasonably happy one and take care.
Sending you love this Christmas. x
A survival plan is a great idea and yours sound perfect. I'm glad Molls will be with someone, they do pick up on strange situations.
Take care and my best wishes to you all.
CJ xx
Debs - thanks so much.
CJ 0 yes poor Molls has been very worried the last few months.
So sorry to check in to blogs after many months and see Himself is not himself. Your poor little doggy photo just about broke my heart.
Hang in there.
Thinking of you, Sue. Wish that helped, but I don't suppose it does. xxxx
Thanks Lesley - it does actually. x
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