Wednesday, 13 November 2019

I am writing this from a snuffly keyboard at Frobisher. Moll is, I am glad to say, fully recovered though I am terrified in case the fever should descend again. (I was petrified last weekend, kept checking her breathing.) If it does, it means more tests which are very stressful for us both and, of course, incredibly expensive. And I would dread the outcome. Still, there's little to be gained in worrying about that, and Moll certainly isn't. She is bouncy again and that is wonderful to see so I hope to enjoy much more of that for as long as we can.

I also wondered why Pip fell in love with her, so suddenly, when he saw her, 14 years ago. An artist friend, enquiring about Moll last week, gave me a clue. "You're just the same," she said. "You've both got sort of the same hair, the same temperament, you're both sensitive, highly strung, very loyal and bright. The way you react to things is the same - you even have the same metabolism." (We both shake when hungry.)

I had to laugh when she said that - and thought, well now I know why Pip fell for her. He was getting another version of me but with four legs. Quadruple trouble...

And I will end this Tribute to Moll with a big thank you to the incredibly kind friends who have made the past week or so a bit easier. To the free osteopath session I received last week "because you're having such a rough time". To the wonderfully generous money towards my (considerable) vet bills. That in itself was amazing - but the friend who insisted I have the money has a very very poorly dog herself.

I don't know what I've done to deserve such generosity, but all I can say is a huge thank you. And to all my friends, near and far, you know where I am. Call me when you need me. And actually, don't wait till you need me. Call me anyway.

And as a PS - I'm on Radio Cornwall at 4.10pm this afternoon talking about my latest book, Walks in the Footsteps of Rosamunde Pilcher. Tune in for a giggle!


Chris Stovell said...

I'm delighted, but not in the least bit surprised, that your friends have rallied for you as you're so clearly the sort of person who gives so much or yourself to others. I'm glad Moll is back to her usual self and that things are a bit brighter this week - long may that continue. Cx

ADDY said...

Read your post too late too listen to the radio interview, but just wanted to say how glad I am that Moll has recovered. Yo must be so relieved. How wonderful to have such great friends too. That is worth more than anything money can buy.

Manchester Lass, Now and Then said...

Awww Sue, I do read your blog but I'm very slack at leaving comments as I tend to ramble on:( I was so thrilled to read this post about Moll and how well she is doing♥ It was so touching to read what your friend said about Pip falling in love with Moll so quickly♥ I love reading your posts, you are truly such a gifted writer and to me you come across as being the perfect friend and it doesn't surprise me that so many of your friends were there to help you above and beyond when Moll was so "poorly". Such a lovely and happy post:) Oh dear I did say I ramble on, oh to have another walk in Cornwall:( Take good care Sue and darling Moll♥ Linda xx

Manchester Lass, Now and Then said...

Oh dear I did leave a comment but for some reason it isn't showing?

Flowerpot said...

Chris - thank you so much that is lovely and has cheered my day no end! x

Flowerpot said...

Addy - you're right. Money is worth more than anything that can be bought. I hope you're OK. X

Flowerpot said...

Manchester Lass - I love your comments - please ramble on! Very cheering and made me feel much better! xx