Debs has kindly nominated me for this award, and in return I have to tell you 7 things about me. Well the ones that are printable are minimal so after a lot of thought, here they are, in no particular order.
1. Despite years of depression when I was younger, I am by nature a fairly cheerful person.
2. I have Raynaud's disease so when I'm cold my fingers and toes turn an attractive purple colour. When they get chilblains, they swell up and look like undercooked sausages. So attractive, though they're not as bad as they used to be when I smoked.
3. It was my birthday last week and despite the circumstances, I had one of the best birthdays for a long time. Sunshine and friends did a fabulous job. The downside was that I had my first hangover in I can't remember how long...
4. This flat has a name plate outside saying Flowerpot House.
5. I envy those who believe in an after life. It sounds such a comforting idea. But given what I've seen of life so far, I think that's far too simple. However, I do believe that those you love never leave you.
6. I am hopeless at exams. I have avoided them ever since school.
7. I have few regrets – I don't think they help in life. But I do wish when I was younger, that someone had said, “You must sing. Write. Dance.” That would have saved a lot of years of angst. Still, on the bright side, I can appreciate it all the more now.
And as you are such a discerning lot, the first seven people to make comments are entitled to this award. Go for it!
Oh Flowerpot I missed your birthday!
Belated HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to you m'deario and Many Happy Returns. I'm so pleased to hear you had a good time.
I enjoyed finding out more about you and Congratulations on the award. I'm not in the mood to do a meme so I won't take up the challenge.
Thanks Ak - I don;t blame you for not being in the mood!
I love your seven points.
I'm glad you had a lovely birthday and agree that sunshine and friends have to be a wonderful way of celebrating.x
Happy birthday for last week FP. Interesting facts - sadly there aren't 7 interesting things about me so I'll pass on teh meme if you don;t mind.
So pleased you had a special birthday. I have only just started following your blog and in a completely non-patronising way, I think you're doing brilliantly (life and blog).
Mother/L/B - good to meet you and I am so sorry you have been having such a terrible time. Many thanks for your endorsements - it seems like you are ding wonderfully. Though I bet it doesnt feel like it.
Thanks Colette - though I am sure there are a lot more than 7 things we would all like to know about you!
Thanks Debs - yes, sunshine and friends make all the difference.
What a well deserved award! Congrats on the award and for your belated birthday.
Thanks Sarina - good to see you here.
Great things to share! I'm so happy you had a good birthday. I too would like to believe in the after life... it would be such a comforting notion.
Your seven points are great. I thought Raynaud's was where fingers go numb and white when you're cold? Looks like I've been giving my white fingers the wrong name!
I put a hedgehog photo on my blog, and a hedgehog bio in the comments.
Take care
Pat - white fingers is also symptomatic of Raynaud's - trust me to have something slightly different! Will go and see your hedgehog....
Talli - both my sisters in law believe in an after life which must make things very comforting. Like sort of safety net!
Hey, you don't know me or anything, but I'm a new blogger who is 17, and I'm aiming to be a journalist one day.
Reading your 7 points, and looking through your blog there is something utterly inspirational about it, and your attidudes. So I'm going to be compelled to start following this :)
Also, if you can think of any tips or anything of how i can get into the field of journalism let me know.
Oh, and Happy Birthday :)
Happy belated birthday wishes FP♥ How lovely having a name plate with Flowerpot House. I don't know why but everytime I read Flowerpot I think of Bill and Ben the Flowerpot men. Eh they were such happy days sitting down with Watch with Mother♥♥ So pleased to hear you had a lovely birthday. Linda xx
Sending another belated happy birthday wish!! I'm hopeless with exams too. Much prefer to just do than study!!
Oh, and well done on receiving the award.
CJ xx
Glad you've enjoyed it Mary. As for tips for journalism - I would read as much as you can. I don't know what area you're interested in, but I'm a features person so I study how other people write - Lynn Barber is a great features journalist for example. Good luck!
Linda - I remember Bill and Ben too!
CJ - Thanks for the wishes - glad to find another person who hates exams!
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