This is Rosemullion Head, taken last week in the glorious sunshine....
Last weekend Molls and I went up to Devon see one of my older brothers and my nieces, who are both at university and a joy to be with – intelligent, thoughtful and attractive young women. We don't often meet so it was wonderful to spend time with them and hear about their views on life, what they're doing and wearing. We placed bets on the National (no, won nothing) and went out to the pub for a meal.
Unfortunately I had several sudden and totally unexpected waves of missing Pip that knocked me off my feet. (At home it's more manageable somehow as I don't have to worry about other people.) A resurgence several hours later erupted like a volcano – just after we'd finished eating in the pub – and I shot off into the dusk with poor Molls for a howl and a Long Walk. (It's not always advisable to let family witness what you're really going through, particularly younger members.)
Next morning, I checked myself over gingerly. I was scarred and scraped, bruised and battered but alive. My sense of myself bubbled up to the surface and I smiled at the warm spring sunshine. Outside I could hear the tap tap of a woodpecker, the whinnying of a horse. A dog barking.
Around me life was going on as normal. My family were happily dozing in different rooms, Molls snoring on my bed. All was well. I had been gone for how long? Weeks or months – days or minutes – seconds or a lifetime? It didn't matter. I was back.
And that's enough of the difficult stuff. I have two bits of good news: the first is that, having got Pip's new camera out and practising with it (see above) I'm loving it and have booked myself on a photography course starting in a few weeks time.
The other thing is that, having had several disappointments on the work front this week, I have signed a publishing contract with Sigma Press for a walks book. I'm delighted to be working with them, and look forward to its publication next year.
First off there is no time scale for grieving FP, everyone is different and you will get through it in your own time. I hope you have someone to talk to about your loss, it will help. I'm a good listener if you want to email me. x
The photo is fantastic and I'm sure Pip is thinking you are making good use of his camera.
Congratulations on the publishing contract, that's great news.
Get that way myself, sil. Love and mega-hugs. SS.
Shelagh - it just catches you doesn't it? Hugs to you too xxx
Thanks Ak - I have some good friends to talk to about him thanks and Shelagh and my lovely brother in law who feel very much as I do which helps hugely. I know it will take a long time and that's OK - he was worth every second of it. I'm looking forward to starting the course and know he would be delighted!
Sometimes don't you just wish you'd get a bit of warning before you are 'knocked off your feet'?
Glad to see you dusted yourself down and carried on. Well done, you.
Congratulations on the book
Sarah xx
Hugs first then huge congrats on the walks book!!!
Sarah - yes a bit of warning would be very helpful! Thanks xx
Thanks, Liz - and many congrats to you!
Massive congrats on your fantastic news! That's fantastic -- and now you have a great camera for shots, too!
So, so pleased for you.
Talli - thanks for your exuberant good wishes!!
It's still early days, FP. I think you're coping magnificently. x
Good luck with the photography course (I'm jealous!) and HUGE congratulations on the book. x
What wonderful news re the book contract. Congratulations. x
Thanks Debs!
Laney - Thanks so mucyh. The photography course is an adult ed one so I'm sure there are some near you - Go for it!
It's still v early days, so be kind to yourself and congrats re the book deal.
Sarah - yes I am delighted about the walks book. It's been a long fermenting process but worth waiting for!
What wonderful news on your book deal FP:) It must have been such a thrill to sign on the dotted line. Big (((hugs)))for missing Pip so much♥♥ xxx
Linda - yes it was thrilling. Also when she phoned up and I thought, "I'm talking to my publisher"!!
What a gorgeous picture, I think you'll sail through the photography course!
Some days are just like that, glad you're back again.
Huge congratulations on the book :-)
Thanks for all that Denise - I'm really looking forward to the course - and the book!
Flowerpot, that's fantastic news. Congratulations. JJx
Thanks JJ - and over here it's certainly the weather for walking!
I imagine these times are perfectly natural and the roller coaster you are on right now will continue going up and down for a while, maybe slowing more often as time goes on.
A good cry does us all good.
Take care, CJ xx
CJ - I am a firm believer in better in than out. I'm talking crying here in case anyone was confused.....
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