Friday 10 August 2007

Awards and hormones

And many thanks indeed to The Thinker for this award which is much appreciated. It comes at a good time, too, as I am Hideously Hormonal. Can't concentrate, weepy, snapping Himself's head off, exhausted - know the feeling? And of course my dear youngest brother and his family are down for a few days - it's his birthday today. Couldn't be better timing, could it?

My mood is not helped by our dear friend James who had to move into a residential home yesterday, a month early and in glorious weather which he was hoping to enjoy at home, with the family. The choice was not his but his daughter's and it makes me MAD. (This is a very long story.) How dare she treat him like that?

But enough of that. Pause while I take a deep breath, think Soothing Thoughts and Calm Down.

I have to nominate five other people who are:-
Cornish Dreamer
Miss Understood
Mother at Large
Sally Lomax

And now I'm off to pick my mother up from the station for a family picnic. Family barbecue this evening. So you just know it will rain... But even so, it will be lovely to see them all.


Motheratlarge said...

Flowerpot, sweet and generous of you! Thank you!

Flowerpot said...

Not at all! Enjoy the sun and teh lovely festival.

April said...

I completely understand that hideous hormonal feeling. :) Congrats on your award.

Akelamalu said...

Why thankyou honey I'm honoured and congratulations to you .x

It won't rain tonight because we're going to sit outside! :)

Mopsa said...

Congrats on the award FP. I tread carefully here, not knowing the circs, but I do know first hand that although it can appear callous for a daughter to put her parent in a home, sometimes it is truly the best for all concerned.

Flowerpot said...

hello April and pleased to meet you - please call by this way again!

Ak - I'm glad your forecast is going to be correct! So far today it's been lovely.

Flowerpot said...

Mopsa - In fact we took our friend to see the home (daughter was too busy) and he liked it very much but wanted to have the summer at home and go in in September. Now I don't know what happened between him and daughter but I do know he was very upset and incredibly confused when I spoke to him. But more of that later...

MommyHeadache said...

Flowerpot, you really deserve this award...
I am currently in the heady giddy mid-cycle mode where I want to mount any male or even a lamp post or a traffic cone.....but I know how it feels to be in the icy clutches of the PMS devil! it will pass.

the rotten correspondent said...

flowerpot - congrats on the award, not so much on the hormones. You deserve the first and will survive the second!

Flowerpot said...

emmak many thanks for your comforting words. That's made me feel so much better. I hope you manage to find a suitable lamp post soon. Try vaseline first though.

Flowerpot said...

correspondent - thanks for your thoughts. Whoever invented hormones? I'd kill 'em...

sallywrites said...
