Thursday 9 August 2007

To set the record straight....

I fear I may have given a slightly misleading impression yesterday, so here are a further few facts just to balance the overall picture:-

1. He is an inveterate meat eater; I rarely eat the stuff.

2. He will only read books written by men (NO comment). I read books written by both men and women.

3. He isn’t very sociable; I am.

4. He’s very practical; I’m not.

5. He’s hopeless at writing anything down or organising anything so I do it.

6. He has a very slow metabolism; mine’s fast.

7. He sleeps in thick sweatshirt; I sleep naked.

8. He loves traditional jazz, dislikes any other kind of music. I’m not that mad on jazz but love musicals, singing and ballet.

Not quite so similar, then!!


Cornish Dreamer said...

I guess everyone has their differences, but there are always the things that are similar too. If we were all the same (as I distinctly remember saying before, so I apologise), we probably wouldn't have much to say to each other and life would be pretty boring!


Mopsa said...

Thank goodness for that - I was beginning to feel very third rate!

Flowerpot said...

RT, well life is never boring, that's for sure....!!f

Flowerpot said...

Mopsa - I hadn't realised that we sounded so Perfickly Suited before - which of course, we aren't!

Akelamalu said...

Opposites attract as well! :)

the rotten correspondent said...

Sounds like the best of both worlds to me!

Penny Pincher said...

Hello Flower - I see you have so many awards I thought you might like another one to add to your wall of fame.
Bye for now - time to get to bed - night. x

Flowerpot said...

ak and correspondent - it's strange how opposites attract, isn't it? Sometimes I look at people and think, why is she with him? or vice versa...

Flowerpot said...

the thinker - wow - thank you! I will hop over to your site and see what's been awarded. Many thanks, m'dear!

Daniele said...

Always pleased to hear that there are other 'successful' couples out there that are very different from each other (14 years between D an myself, he's unsocial and I'm not, he likes classical music almost exclusively and I don't, to name a few..).

Flowerpot said...

Dee - Interesting to meet someone else with an Age Gap - what are your other differences?!

Daniele said...

Well the social/unsocial one might very well be the biggest difference. D is very happy staying indoors ALL the time, being with people stresses him out, driving around London facing traffic stresses him out etc. I on the other hand love going places, seeing new things. I throw a 'I'm 32 not 82' his way whenever we discuss this one ;) But he tries. He makes an effort sometimes. I just wish it wasn't an effort.

Flowerpot said...

dee I can sympathise. As Himself isn't overly sociable (though he will and does make an effort sometimes for my sake), quite often I go without him. Sometimes I enjoy that. Sometimes I don't.

Daniele said...

I hear ya loud and clear.