The above picture doesn’t really need any words. But it’s Monday morning and I am trying to work out how to finish a piece on a walk I did last week for the magazine (otherwise known as procrastination).
I don’t know about your neck of the woods but here in Cornwall we had a wonderful weekend. The sun shone and despite a brisk north easterly wind, just seeing the sun is such a tonic – particularly as we had a friend staying.
We had a couple of lovely walks with Moll and on Saturday had a cup of tea at a café which is wonderful for people and dog watching. The dogs – what a mixture – a red setter called Dolly; a fat dachsund, a young black lab, soaked from a recent swim, a bearded collie, a miniature poodle, a springer spaniel and of course, scruffy Moll. We were all sitting outside enjoying the warmth when the dachsund (being one of the smallest) started barking. In a couple of seconds every dog was shouting their heads off – just like the Twilight Barking from 101 Dalmatians.
There was a stunned silence, then all the owners roared with laughter. Nothing like dogs to bond people together.
Awh, sounds wonderful. I want to be in Cornwall at a doggie gathering. :-) I love the photo!
Gorgeous photo, Flowerpot.
I bet Moll really enjoyed meeting so many new doggie friends.
Annie - it's a real Aaah picture isnt it? Designed to cheer us up on a Monday - if we need it!
Pat - she had a great time, and barked the loudest I think!
Nice to find you, as an ex Truro girl it was so good to read about my 'homeland'.
so glad to meet you Elizabeth - good to meet another Cornish girl, albeit abroad!
That sounds lovely. What funny things bring people together.
jj - it was probably because we were sitting in sunshine - if we'd been in the rain we might have been at each other's throats!!
A gorgeous picture. You're right about dogs and bonding, usually on a walk too.
CJ xx
Yes dogs are great ice breakers aren't they?
The photo is so sweet and the doggy chorus sounds just too funny! The weather here in the Northwest was beautiful too Flowerpot.
Great photo, here we all meet at the local park. Owners are known by their dogs name. It is a sort of unwritten rule we all talk as if we are called Tilly or Molly. So you would be Molly and I'd be Tilly. How does that suit. Molly
Cheers from Tilly the wonder dog x
Ak - glad you had good weather too - and about time!
grump - sorry, Tilly. That would make life a lot easier - and I never remember owner's names anyway!
ah, charming! if only a siren had blown past. then they could hae all howled together.
laurie - what a lovely image that conjours up!!
It was lovely weather here, too. Past tense, alas.
Animals are great conversation starters, aren't they?
I love the picture. It make's me all broody!
Zinnia - for once we still have sun. Holding breath...
Elaine - makes me broody too!
Aw puppies and kittens are always adorable aren't they?
Hope you're well, FP.
Phil - good to hear from you again. I'm fine and hope you are too.
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