Thursday, 2 October 2008

A Great Idea

I recently read about Barbara Bright, who has set up a company called Nexus, which began in the 1970s as a phone based network service and is still going strong.

Nexus is not a dating agency but a means of meeting other unattached people. As Barbara explains, “If you’re lonely, you’ll find that people are not going to beat a path to your door,” she says. “You just have to get out and meet people. NO one can change your life but you.” And that is what Nexus does – provide an opportunity to do just that.

Nexus was devised by an Australian civil engineer who found it difficult to meet people in the early 1970s. He heard of a system in Japan where people could phone a number and listen to recorded messages. If they liked the sound of the person, they could contact them.

So Nexus was founded on that idea and a similar service set up in the UK. Barbara and Peter advertised and were inundated with calls. Within this service came Icebreakers, which is a listing of members’ ads with a first name and phone number, released every month.

Then Skills Bank was started by a member who wanted to help people with business skills in exchange for practical help. The Leisure Interest directory came next, categorising members by their interests, and the Bulletin tells Nexus members what’s going on in their area.

As a result of all this communication and contact, members form a community and help each other. Not just that, but they tend to keep their membership long after they have found a partner.

“It becomes a way of life,” says Barbara. “It gives people a family outside their family.”

It seems strange that nowadays there are more forms of communication than ever, yet it is ever easier to avoid talking to people, so communication skills are dying.

Perhaps we should all re-learn the art of listening. Of having time for each other; of caring. Taking the time to stop. Grabbing those moments of happiness, and sticking them in our mental scrapbook, to be taken out and treasured.

With so many of us scattered all over the country, if not the world, Nexus sounds like a wonderful idea.
or ring 01237 471704

And just to lower the tone completely, Himself has suggested calling the van the Bonkmobile....


Amanda said...

I like your thoughts, Flowerpot. Life is led at too faster pace these days. Hee Hee to calling the van Bonkmobile - you're not going to though, are you!?

Ellee Seymour said...

I wonder about the lack of communication today, particularly among our young people so are stuck behind computers so much. Good luck to Nexus.

Akelamalu said...

Nexus sounds like a brilliant idea.

Bonkmobile? Is that wishful thinking on Himself's part? ;)

Elaine Denning said...

I actually think that people are communicating more now than when I was a teenager. What with myspace, bebo, facebook, chat rooms, forums, blogging... and god knows what else... people all over the world are hooking up and forming great friendships. I agree with you though - it's a brilliant idea for the technophobes!

Flowerpot said...

Annie - glad you agree. And no I don't suppose we will call it the Bonkmobile!

ellee - well you and I are in the business of communication, but how often have you sent off emails and not got replies? Crazy really.

Flowerpot said...

Ak - yes I think so too. And yes it is wishful thinking!

Elaine - what I meant is that there are so many different ways to communicate but it can be so difficult to get to talk to people nowadays, or get a reply. Mad really but there are more ways to hide behind.

Lane Mathias said...

I'm sure we are all communicating less face to face and social skills suffer. On the other hand I know I'd far rather email someone I don't know than speak on the dreaded phone. *shudder*:-)

I rather like the Bonkmobile. Best keep Moll's admirers away from the van though:-)

Flowerpot said...

I quite agree Lane - email's a lot easier to deal with and it's great for contacting editors in my case. They don't always respond though...

Chris Stovell said...

My ex met his now wife through Nexus (Hallelujah!)!! Actually he almost met my cousin who was also doing the Nexus thing at the time but realised whose party she was going to just in time!

Now, surely you cannot call it the Bonkmobile if Himself is sleeping in the van and you are not - or maybe he's just sleeping there for a rest. Sorry - but you started it!! Nice photo, btw.

Flowerpot said...

Chris - interesting to find someone who's actually heard of Nexus. And no you're quite right about the van!! I dont want him getting ideas.....

Liane Spicer said...

Bonkmobile! LOL! Never heard of Nexus, but I like the sound of it. Seems there's no pressure to 'hook up' as with other matchmaking sites.

Flowerpot said...

Wordtryst - exactly. It's based on friendship rather than dating which seems a much better premise.

MarmiteToasty said...

Maybe he should rename the van 'wishful thinking' lol

ringing nexus as I type LMFAO..... just kidding..


Flowerpot said...

marmie - wishful thinking is a great idea.....!