Sunday 22 February 2009

Happy Endings in a Pub

The other night we had a Mamma Mia night in our local pub – a lovely gathering of mostly women (no surprise there) plus Himself as the Token Male. It came about because Jane, the landlady, must be one of the few women over 50 who hadn't managed to get to see Mamma Mia. Other persuading factors included Februrary being a highly (that should be lowly) depressing month, and business in pubs everywhere is dire. So I got hold of a copy of the DVD, we all told our friends, and turned up at the pub at 7.30.

We had a quick natter beforehand and then snuck into a corner of the pub to watch the DVD and have a few more drinks. To get into the spirit of things, the chef even sent us up bowls of popcorn. We ignored the ribald snorts of derision from other drinkers (not many, and they obviously didnt know what they were missing), got out our hankies and settled down for two hours of blissful escapism.

This was my third time of watching and I wept and laughed my way through it and enjoyed it just as much as the previous two times. As my American friend Izzy said, “there'd have to be something seriously the matter with you not to come away feeling good”.

BUT – and I wouldn't have noticed this where it not for my observant husband - at the end, the daughter says goodbye to her three (possible) fathers and gets into the boat. By herself. Boyfriend isn't there.

So what's that all about? At the non-wedding,she decides to go off travelling with boyfriend – so where's he?

Himself thinks that she is doing what Piers Brosnan said she should do – which is what Donna did: go away from the island and see life and then come back and settle down.

What do you think?


ADDY said...

I'll watch it again and let you know! I saw it for the first time on Christmas Day. Kay wanted a copy of it and we settled down after Christmas lunch - Kay, my mother and I - and wallowed in a nice clean family film. You're right - I'd defy anyone not to come away feeling a lot brighter.

Philipa said...

I think it came and went - I watched it at Xmas as my sister had it as a Xmas present. Watching it with her was perfect - we'd enjoyed the music together growing up. A good day was had by all. And having seen it I'm glad I didn't spend money renting it. By the end of the film I didn't care whether the girl got married or not, and neither did she.

As Mamma Mia's go, Muriels Wedding was better.

Reasons said...

Thought they decided not to get married but to go off and travel together. Not sure about the boat, you're more observant than i am!Like the pub/movie idea, a good girls night out.

Lane Mathias said...

I've only seen it once and didn't notice that! I thought she was going off with bf to see the world.

I like the sound of your local pub:-)

Liane Spicer said...

Sounds like a wonderfully fun and cozy evening. Now I have to see it! And Himself is a sweetheart, isn't he, being so supportive of girly escapades and all.

Flowerpot said...

Rosiero - please do let me know!

Philipa - not a MM fan then?!

Flowerpot said...

Reasons - yes they did decide that, so still not sure about the ending. It's a great night out though!

Lane - our local is great!

Wordtryst - yes I think he's a sweetheart too!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it yet. Bought the DVD ages ago and it sits on my shelf! I really must make the effort.

CJ xx

Flowerpot said...

Crystal - please watch it and tell me what you think about the ending! I'm none the wiser so far...

Ellee Seymour said...

I love Abba, their music is so uplifting. The film is a bit cheesy. Being half Greek, I love the Greek island location.

I hope you are recovering from your tooth extraction, poor you.

Philipa said...

FP - they cast Colin Firth as a homosexual. That's close to offensive in my book.

Pat Posner said...

I got the DVD as a Crimbo present and still haven't got round to watching it. I will soon!

So glad to hear the arnica helped, FP


Flowerpot said...

Ellee - I'm recovering fine thanks. The location is great isnt it? My aunt used to live opposite Skopelos so I used to go there years ago begfore it was famous!

Flowerpot said...

Phil - well, I;ll watch Colin Firth as anything - if you know what I mean...

Flowerpot said...

Pat - hope you enjoy it when you do. I'd watch it over and over!

Akelamalu said...

I still haven't see it!!

I borrowed the DVD off my daughter-in-law weeks ago and just haven't had time to put it on. :(

Ellee Seymour said...

Lucky aunt, and lucky you for having so many wonderful holidays there.

Flowerpot said...

Ak - hope you had a good time in Spain. The DVD is worth waiting for!

Ellee - yes, she loved Greece...

Chris Stovell said...

Sorry, fp, I missed this one. Another film to add to my to be watched pile. Only problem being that Tom won't watch films. Sigh! Don't like to mention the D word... but have you stayed away from the dentist? If we ever meet we'll be able to have tooth story swap!

Ellee Seymour said...

I hope you are making the most of the nice weather and having a good walk today.

Flowerpot said...

Chris - touching wood, havent had to go back to the dentist this week or last. I'm touching wood as one tooth is a bit senstiive but at least I'm feeling a lot better! You take care now.

Ellee - not very good weather in Cornwall so I hope it's better wioth you!

sexy said...



