Friday, 17 April 2009


Patience is not a virtue of mine. I couldn't fish like this fellow - I'd be bored rigid and start fidgeting very quickly.

Right now I need patience. The gum infection I had months ago is still making me very tired on occasions, when I least expect it. I can be going along fine and then - bang - it's as if someone has pulled the plug on my energy and I have none. I feel weepy and useless; fed up with not having the energy that I've taken for granted all my life.

Then last night I met someone who's had the same thing - also following a gum infection. She advised more rest, not to push myself so much, eat well and gentle exercise. Most of which I do. She also suggested a tonic that had helped her. And knowing that she's much better now reassured me no end. I will get there!

There's so much I want to do, and not having the energy to do it is frustrating.
But until I improve, I must rest sometimes, when I want to be writing; lie down when I want to be having a five mile hike. I must learn how to relax more and enjoy it - after all, I must remember, as writers we're always writing even when we're not.

But if you can, send a little patience my way!


Cornish Dreamer said...

Poor FP. I hope this tonic works for you (it doesn't come with gin, does it? ;@) ).

My Mum always tells me that patience is a virtue, to which I always replied "...that I don't have". But I will send whatever patience I do have your way.

Akelamalu said...

I hope the tonic works. Have you had a blood test recently, could you could possibly be anaemic being that you're so tired?

Flowerpot said...

RT - many thanks! No sadly the tonic doesnt come with gin!!

Flowerpot said...

Ak - yes I've had a blood test so it isn't that. Very frustrating!

Lane Mathias said...

Infections can take ages to fully recover from fp (especially if you've had anitbiotics) so your friend's advice is spot on. Pace yourself and go easy.

Love that photo. Those cats know how to do patience:-)

Elaine Denning said...

Just lie on your back and make sentences in your head. x

I'll give you something to think about.....

We've all heard 'the cry of a seagull' or the 'screech of tyres' or the 'cackle of witches' or the 'howl of the wind'.

Tell me, FP....about those wooden wind chimes which hang from trees and blow (melodically) in the wind. What do they do exactly? What IS that noise?

The ??? of windchimes.

Hope you feel better soon xxx

Pat Posner said...

Aww, hugs!
You got some really good advice and, yes, you WILL get there.

Is the tonic called Floradix? That really bucked me up after a long dose of flu.

Take care and try to enjoy those relaxation times cos that's half the battle.


Anonymous said...

I never used to have any but I do now and I'm sending some of it to you! I do hope you start to feel better soon, I can imagine it's no joke.

CJ xx

Flowerpot said...

Lane - thanks for that. Cats must be born with it, musnt they?

Elaine - that's a good one to think about. The word that springs to mind is 'jangle' which sounds a bit harsh but if you listen to them a lot they do sound a bit tiresome!

Flowerpot said...

Pat - you['re right, it's enjoying the relaxation that is a must. This has happened for a reason so that must be taken into account. And yes it is Floradix so if it helped you, that sounds promising!

Crystal - that's so kind thank you.

MarmiteToasty said...

Im with you on the no energy thing, most days I feel like someone has zapped me and by the evening Im good for nuffin... Ive never felt so tired and drained in me whole life lol

I hope you feel better soon..... life aye..


Flowerpot said...

Oh Marmie I am sorry. Being this tired is just dreadful. You take care now...

Chris Stovell said...

Another shared characteristic there, Fp! I have no patience and hate being ill!! And, guess what?, I am just about to visit the dentist! Aaargh!

Sorry to hear you're still poorly, hope the tonic vanquishes the bugs soon!

Flowerpot said...

Chris - best of luck with the dentist - will be thinking of you!

Ellee Seymour said...

My husband is not very patient, but he loves fishing.