Having written that blog title, I hasten to add that the itching has nothing to do with my sister-in-law, nor myself. But it's coming up to that time of year again. Itching time.
Apart from Mollie's allergy to fleas (a very common problem and one that the cat is responsible for), she's had another itching problem, but all non-dog owners, I suggest you look away now. This is not for the squeamish.
The second problem was anal glands. You know when dogs sniff each other's bums? This isn't anything disgusting: it's just how dogs identify each other – like us shaking hands or saying hello. These glands are also known as scent glands and they help dogs mark their territory.
Most dog owners will know about problems with these and I won't go into details here for fear of offending those of a delicate nature – or nose in this case. Suffice it to say that our first vet wasn't overly helpful, so I asked all my other dog owning friends for advice, scoured the internet and went cross-eyed with conflicting information.
The problem with the glands seemed to clear up relatively easily courtesy of changing her diet. I was advised to use a hypoallergenic diet and was recommended James Wellbeloved. (Widely available or from Nutrecare.) Within weeks her problem had sorted out, though this was also due to the fact that she was not allowed any treats (Himself sulked over this) and had to adhere to a strict diet of biscuits only. Still, it did the trick and now she is happy and problem free in that area.
So if your dog has a problem in that department, talk to your vet and perhaps try a hypoallergenic diet. It worked for Molls, it could work for you! Er, I mean, your dog of course...
And on another tack, just off to take my sister in law (over from Vermont) to Penzance. Rain is forecast, of course, but it's a joy having time with her. Come again soon, Shelagh!
(Pic of Mollie taken by Claire Wilson)
Hope you haven't had the hailstone like we have up here!!
And yes, we have 4 dogs here who are constantly sniffing eachother's butts. And very often try to sniff their owners too!!
CJ xx
CJ - no we haven't had hail - that;s probably to come! Moll is too short to sniff my butt!
Ah yes, I know the problem well. Or rather one of the dogs does. Glad you found a solution.
That's a fantastic photo of Molls.
Glad you've sorted out Molls itching and that photo is just adorable!
So, visiting your Sister in Law reminds you of Moll's bum...Hmm...
Does she know? ha ha!
Funnily enough someone recommended James Wellbeloved food for Snoopy as he was having problems with diarrhoea It did the trick with that too!
Lane - you could try the James Wellbeloved stuff - or Burns is good too.
Mollie is so cute! I'm not a dog owner, but I can certain identify with allergies this time of year! Maybe I need to go to the vet...
Ak - yes to both!
This made me smile, such an unusual topic to write about. I'm glad to hear Moll is ok.
Yes and yes had all of those and tried the diet too. The cat does give the dog fleas, been told do the de-fleaing of both at the same time. When I lived in Cornwall my sister in law was from Vermont. She is no longer my sister in law, but does still live in Vermont.
Tilly sends xx to Molls.
Ak - she's a very photogenic dog - much more so than me!
Trubes - I hadn't thought of it that way. Luckily she loves dogs!
Addy - glad that did the trick for Snoopy. It's good stuff.
Talli - well I'd head for superdrug first! Sorry about your allergies. Hayfever is dire isn't it?
Ellee - I suppose it is but there are a lot of us dog owners around!
Grump - yes our cat was the culprit here so hoping that this year will help matters as he's been Stronghold-ed! What's your SIL called? Mine's Shelagh Smith! Woof to Tilly xx
What a gorgeous picture. No dogs here but sadly I still know about anal glands: once in your head, always in your head.
JJ - 'once in your head, always in your head' - and these are anal glands! Love it!!
Anal glands - what joy. Luckily for us the Z man doesn't seem to have a problem (touch wood) but a previous dog did.
Thankfully Grumps hasn't ever had a problem with his, but my ex s-i-l's dog does, poor thing.
Love the photo of Molly.
Colette - Glad the z man doesnt have that problem - it's a very common one isn't it?!
Debs - glad Grumps doesn't have that problem!
Well I came over for a read and spent ages going back over your posts. Absolutely brilliant writing as usual. Yes dog butt sniffing is an activity prevalent in this house - but only the dogs you understand.
Hope you enjoy the launch of the mark III lifebaot - sounds like you did something special there getting himself an invite. He must be chuffed to bits.
Thanks so much for that MOB - how very cheering! Yes, we were very chuffed to get an invite to the launch of the latest wheelyboat. But designing the original one is quite an achievement!
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