Picture taken with family last week over at Daymer Bay.
I get to see my brothers and their families once a year, usually, if that, so it's typical that they should both be down in Cornwall the same week – though sadly not together. So it's been great to catch up on everyone and hear the nephews and nieces' news.
It struck me – once again - how very different our lives are. I am very happy with ours, but very glad I don't have the financial stresses and strains that they do. Skint but happy is the rule that applies here, but I could see that our comparatively simple way of life baffles them. We don't have children, of course, which makes a big difference but much though I love my brothers, I did feel on a different planet most of the time. (I expect they did too.) Nurture versus Nature and all that....
Work has been suddenly busy which is good, and on Thursday another journalist, Fi Read and I are giving a talk on Becoming a Freelance Writer at the new Penzance Literary Festival. Whether we actually get an audience of more than 10 remains to be seen but I'm telling myself it's good practice. Though for what I'm not sure.
So think of us on Thursday morning – Fi's more experienced at public performance than I am and is very laid back about it. I am counting on her to rescue the day should I make a complete hash of it.....
It'll be fine. It's much more fun doing stuff with someone else.
My two brothers and I live similar lives and are lucky enough to see each other every week when we visit our father every Saturday. Our children and grandchildren usually turn up every other week too which is nice.
Good luck with the talk on Thursday. :)
Thanks Nell - thats what I thought!
Ak - that sounds great to be so close to your brothers. Thanks re the talk!
Thanks Jo - this did make me laugh. I don't think there'll be much of an audience but I will remember that - and get the giggles I daresay!
Another skint but happy here too! Good luck with the talk - I'm sure you'll be fine but I share your pain!
Thanks Chris for all of that!
I'm sure you'll do really well, I only wish I could be there in the audience.
I wish you could too Debs - I could do with another friendly face!
Got total confidencein your talk - it'll be fine.
Thanks Colette - my guts are just beginning to churn - 2 hours to go....
Good luck, good luck! I'm sure you'll be fab! Sending lots of positive vibes your way.
Good luck fp. Although you're probably done by now. Hope it went well and looking forward to hearing about it.
Talli - the positive vibes worked - thanks so much!
Lane - it went fine and we both enjoyed it which was an added bonus!
Aha! An update.
I knew you would be fine but I can imagine how daunting it must have been. As you say it's all experience. Hopefully your success and enjoyment will give you confidence. Well done.
warm wishes
Bluestocking - yes it was daunting but once I got going it was fine. It also helped knowing that Fi was very confident - and she had done a very precise running order which was a brilliant idea.
Good luck with the freelance festival freelance writing. I think it's a great idea too.
Thanks Ellee - the festival seems to have gone really well which is great news.
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