Wednesday, 21 December 2011

A Cornish non-Christmas

The above is us singing Gaudete at Truro Cathedral last week with many thanks to Tina Wheeler.

This has been one of the most exhausting – and fun – run-ups to Christmas I have ever had. Not that much of it has had anything to do with Christmas itself, other than the singing, and for that I am grateful.

The gigs have been brilliant – the acoustics at Truro Cathedral were incredible, ditto Tremough, and singing in the Mediterranean biome at Eden was quite an experience. The last two days we’ve sung at Trelissick gardens round the courtyard fire, near the donkeys, and then I’ve gone on and had drinks or dinner with friends. Yes, I’ve been burning the candle at both ends and I don’t apologise for that.

I shall be glad when Christmas is over, but I am aiming to go for a walk on the beach with Molls and a friend who is also not looking forward to Christmas. Then I go to Sheila and Richard, who frequently look after Mollie for me, for a meal early evening. Boxing Day – the day Pip died – I’m walking with my friend Andrea, and hope to see my brother in law in the evening.

This last year has been a huge emotional rollercoaster, to use that old cliché. There are times when I wonder if I dreamt the 14 years we had together, for my life has changed so much in the past year.

But next year brings my first walks book out in June, together with all the associated publicity and talks etc., and I’ve just received the draft contract for another walks book for 2013 which is very exciting. I need to work on the novel and send that off, and there are the walks for Cornwall Today. So workwise I have a lot to look forward to. There is also my singing which has proved a wonderful source of strength and friendship, and I am so grateful for the fabulous friends I have made.

It would be lovely to think that perhaps 2013 might bring happiness of another kind without too many complications. But perhaps that's too much to ask for. Who knows?


Akelamalu said...

I'm sure there have been times this year when you wondered how you would get through it, but you did and I'm so glad. I hope 2012 will be exciting and happy for you Sue, you deserve it. x

Flowerpot said...

Thanks so much, Ak. I am fortunate in having a good foundation to base my life on. Happiness would be a bonus but perhaps not yet.

Sally said...

Dear Sue,
I am glad that you have your non-Christmas sorted and send you love and strength. I also send you much admiration for the way you have lived the last year and wish you all success in every way for next year.
See you again at singing before too long - though I think we'll all have withdrawal symptoms by the time the first Thursday comes around! Will you be at The Countryman on 1st January?
much love

Flowerpot said...

Oh Sally you are such a lovely friend! Many thanks for your kind thoughts. Yes I will definitely be at the Countryman on 1st Jan - not too long to go before our next sing! much love Sxx

Chris Stovell said...

Well done, Sue. You've coped with so many tough 'firsts' this year... and I know there are a couple of big ones looming. But it's lovely to hear that you've got some good 'firsts' ahead of you too. I hope after the first walk book, you'll get that first novel contract next year too. Will think of you when I take my Christmas day walk on the beach this year too. With all best wishes, Chrisx

Flowerpot said...

Chris - it has been the most extraordinary year - a large part of which has not been shared on this blog for personal reasons. But yes I have much to look forward to which is as life should be. Who knows what's round the corner? Many thanks for your kind thoughts.

Philipa said...

Gaudete - one of my favourites. A little too quick for my taste but a lovely sound, FP. I look forward to hearing more if you have them?

Flowerpot said...

Phil - yes lots more I will email you some!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I hope you have an enjoyable few days with Molls and your friends and that 2012 is all that you hope it to be.x

Ellee Seymour said...

Congratulations about your walk book, that is wonderful news. I hope your novel works out too.
Best wishes for Christmas, and I understand the pain you must be feeling this year, and hope that happiness will one day be with you again.

Flowerpot said...

Ellee - many thanks for your kind thoughts. I hope so too.

Flowerpot said...

Thanks Debs - I hope so too.

ADDY said...

I can imagine it won't be easy, but if you gather your friends and loved ones around you, the time will pass quickly. One day at a time, as they say in Al-anon.

Flowerpot said...

Thanks Addy - in fact I had a really lovely Christmas Day and felt very treasured which was great. One day at a time is a good one.

Liane Spicer said...

I really admire the way you've handled what must have been a very challenging year, FP. Congratulations on all the good news on the book front, and all the best for 2012!

Lovely singing. Makes me very nostalgic for times in my past.

Flowerpot said...

Thanks Liane - I have to say that singing has helped me hugely this year.

Philipa said...

I thought of you over Xmas and hope you found the warmth of friends and will continue to do so throughout the new year.

Happy New Year Sue x

Flowerpot said...

Thanks so much Phil - in fact I had a lovely day. All the best for 2012 to you too xxx

Philipa said...

On music: this breaks my heart.

Flowerpot said...

Phil - that is amazing isn't it? Many thanks for that and happy new year xx