I recently wrote a piece for Your Dog magazine about how walking had changed my life – getting me out and about, making new friends, and helping me deal with Pip’s death. The editor then asked if I could send in one of my walks as well, which I did.
By the way, it’s in the February issue – out now. See Page 95.
Then I had an email from another member of staff from the magazine asking if I’d like to review some dog friendly accommodation in Devon. I pointed out that I was in Cornwall, not Devon but where was it?
To cut a long story short (stop rambling, FP), this weekend Viv, Titch, Mollie and I are going to the Mill End Hotel – a gorgeous looking country house hotel on Dartmoor. In exchange for me writing a detailed review and taking pictures, the hotel are providing bed and breakfast for Friday and Saturday nights. Also, it looks like the ground floor rooms have doors opening out onto the garden which means we don’t have to get up at some ungodly hour to let the dogs out for a wee in the morning. (Us dog owners have to think about such practicalities.)
Looking at the dinner menu, which is way beyond our price range, I think it will be chips in the pub down the road for us. It will be a lovely break, though, and Mum is coming over on Saturday so we can see her as well.
I have said to the magazine that I am happy to review accommodation for their next dog friendly publication next year (more freebies??). Then Viv said, “can’t you get some restaurant reviews, Sue?”
There’s no pleasing some people.
Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy those freebies! Enjoy walking on Dartmoor too. You may see one of my daughters - she's walking on Dartmoor on Saturday and Sunday as part of her training for her trek to Nepal next month. I'll tell her to look our for you!
Thanks Sally - I will look out for her! We plan to have some good walks - hope the weather's OK!
How lovely! It's great to read about the good things coming your way. Writing, walking, dogs and Dartmoor - brilliant!
Chris - many thanks. It's good to have some nice things too!
Freebies are good! Enjoy!
Thanks Ak I will!
This sounds fabulous! Always nice to be able to take the dogs somewhere as well.
CJ x
CJ - yes it makes all the difference doesnt it?
Ha! :)
Have a fabulous time! I'm sure you will. It sounds fantastic!
Talli - it will be a busy weekend but a fun one I'm sure!
Hope you have a lovely time, Sue. And Dartmoor, I'd love to see that. Hope you get some nice pics. What a great assignment :-)
On the subject of dogs and dog owners generally I'm sure I could rant for England. I have never understood why most dog owners assume that any stranger will love their dog as much as they do. I don't assume that with my children! And I wouldn't dream of allowing them to shit in the middle of a park where other children play or put their muddy wellies up your clothes and, on one run (I think it was the last time I went running) on my shoulders! I don't let my children sit under the table and pass food to them, letting them lick my fingers and they are the same species! I don't want to see other peoples children sat on their parents lap and flicking their tongue in their parents mouth whilst mummy coos 'gimummykissden'. Would you? And that's children! People we grew. The same species, blood group and all that. Not some animal that licks his own rectum and doesn't wash!
As to just opening the door and letting your creature out to wee and whatever in the garden, how would you feel if parents did that? And why would anyone wrap shit up in plastic and leave it in the middle of the path so it doesn't degrade and stays there, for weeks, for months, like a little shit bomb waiting to explode all over you next time you go running.
I didn't even mention my girl being bit in the face by a dog this summer. Restraint.
When you write this article, Sue please, for me, put one sentence in reminding dog owners that not everyone feels the same about their pet. Some people think dogs should be on a lead. Because they are dogs, not children.
Soz, forgot to state explicitly (for your article) that if accomodation states that it's 'dog friendly' or even that pets are welcome (usually only means dogs not newts or horses) then that will put us off staying there. We would look elsewhere.
Phil - no responsible dog owner would let their dog poo in places where other people walk. I am wary about how other people treat Mollie because of course not everyone likes dogs. Dog owners are like parents - irresponsible ones give the rest of us a bad name. You have a good point, Phil, because I know many people who run businesses who feel the same way about children!
It's really important for dog owners to get a warm welcome. I look forward to reading your review, and hope Mollie behaves herself.
Yes I find the attitude to children better abroad where it's not unusual for children to be in a restaurant or be served decent food. Of course there is good and bad in everything and there are irresponsible parents. But every, and I mean EVERY place of natural beauty is turned into a dog loo by dog owners, even beaches. And I'm yet to see one ruined by the feaces of children... :)
Sue, I've re-typed as Google went a bit bonkers so apols and pls adjust to suit x
Phil - we're all entitled to our own opinions...
Ellee - both dogs were very well behaved and it was a great success!
Yes of course we are all entitled to our own opinions, Sue. But I was reporting facts. Surely evidence based facts and logic should play a part in society, rather than just sentiment?
Ellee, why is it "really important for dog owners to get a warm welcome"? Why? When there are lots of kennels available? Should ferret owners get a warm welcome too? How about snake owners, dragon owners, horse owners, chicken owners, pig owners, cat owners?
Hi, just to let you know that I have given you a versatile blogger award as I love reading your blog. Please don't feel obliged to accept or even 'obey' the acceptance rules.
Datacreata - thanks so much, I am very honoured!
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