Wednesday, 9 October 2013

A Last Sail and another farewell

Over the past few days – since last Friday - I’ve been lucky enough to have three wonderful sails with Alan on Snap. On the Sunday we had a fabulous time with my friend Michael and sailed right out to Gull Rock and back – about 15 miles. It was wonderful to sail with someone as experienced as Michael, as well as Al, though it did make me realise how woefully inexperienced I am, and being me I get frustrated at not knowing stuff. Still it was a beautiful day and the sun shone and the wind was kind and Snap loved it.

On Monday Al and I had our last sail. I suddenly started to be incredibly cack handed and forgot to do things that I know perfectly well and then got cross with myself, till Al said, “perhaps it’s because you’re a bit emotional,” and of course he was right. I was so gulpy I couldn’t speak for about half an hour.

Like any Last Times, the three or four hours we spent out were so poignantly beautiful it made me ache. Snap took us round the docks to show her off – which was where I took the above picture, as we sailed into the sun towards Falmouth Docks - then we headed out to sea where the waves sparkled and the wind was perfect and we just wanted to keep going.

We surfed back with the spinnaker up most of the way, but used it like a second genoa, so it blew out to the side like a balloon as we sped along. Snap makes a wonderful rushing noise when she sails like that, and you can almost hear her joy as she surfs the waves. Ours, too. All too soon we were back on the pontoon, to take the sails off, a job that we did in near silence.

And that was Snap’s last sail of the year. She’s going back to Derby for the winter, so it’ll be May before she and Al come back and I will sorely miss them both. But we’ve had the most special times and for that I am everlastingly grateful.

Last night I had dinner with Al and Anne, which was incredibly kind of them – we had the most fabulous meal and it was a fitting end to a great summer’s sailing. Today, after 3 hours sleep, I went down to meet Al at Mylor when Snap was lifted out of the water. Having said I’d cheer him up as she was lifted out, of course I was absolutely of no use at all and stood there with tears pouring down my face as she was craned out, onto her trolley, to begin the long trip back to Derby for the winter.

After another hug goodbye, I ran down the pontoon, howled my eyes out on Echo for a bit, then blew my nose, gave Moll a cuddle and headed back to do some work. Hopefully Mr B will be back soon and we can get on the water again soon, for I do feel bereft without it.

I’m off to the Lizard next week for a few days, possibly longer, for a much needed break. See you all soon.


Sally said...

I love how you describe your time at sea and could feel your overflowing emotions. Next year..... And Mr B will be back soon... :)

Flowerpot said...

Sally - overflowing is the word! So glad you are having such a good time - give Shelagh my love!

Paula RC said...

Wow, it sounds wonderful. I can understand how you must miss it. Have a great time at the Lizard, FP.

Flowerpot said...

Paula - good to meet you and thanks. I hope I will too!

Akelamalu said...

All good things come to an end - but they'll be back! :)

Dc said...

I think it is great that you have found something you enjoy doing so much. Hopefully, when Mr B gets back that will help.

ADDY said...

Gosh, you've really got into it in a big way, haven't you? I couldn't help smiling at the boat going back to Derby: I was not aware it was on the coast!

Flowerpot said...

Dc - it is great and I'm very lucky. But addicted, which has its own problems!!!

Flowerpot said...

Addy - yes I have I'm afraid. And as far as I know, Derby's not on the coast! She's going back to spend the winter in a shed and be revarnished and re-rigged.

Flowerpot said...

Addy - yes I have I'm afraid. And as far as I know, Derby's not on the coast! She's going back to spend the winter in a shed and be revarnished and re-rigged.

Chris Stovell said...

I can feel we're going to crack at Home Thoughts reading how much you've loved sailing and being out in the water this summer! It can only be a matter of time before we're out on the water again.

Flowerpot said...

Chris - ah I didnt realise that Tom read this blog too. Perhaps I should modify things?!!!

Rena George said...

I had a tear in my eye when I read this post, Sue. You have the wonderful knack of making the reader feel she/ he is right there with you which, of course, is what makes you such a good writer. And now you have next May - and the return of Snap - to look forward to.
Enjoy those few days at the Lizard. I envy you all those breezy walks around Kynance Cove and the hospitality at the Witchball. My mouth is already watering at the thought of one of Anne's delicious pasties.

Flowerpot said...

Rena - thank you so much for your kind words, and yes you're right, I do have May to look forward to. Yes, I'm also looking forward to my days on the Lizard. This holiday is not turning out how I'd anticipated but it looks like I'm going to get several, shorter, holidays in different places which will be lovely!