Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Nearly There

Friday approaches with ever increasing speed, like a runaway juggernaut that is about to squash me flat. To say I’m terrified is something of an understatement, but at least I know that the lone sailor and my other lovely friends will be there to carry me out the other end.

And I’ve had my birthday to take my mind off things. I’ve managed to have almost a week of celebrations which has been lovely, and gathered as many of my nearest and dearest around me as has been possible. The others I look forward to seeing later.

Driving back from Devon last Saturday I took Moll for a walk and thought, “this is the last time I’ll be able to do this for a while,” and that was not a good thought. I can’t imagine being unable to do all the things I love doing, so perhaps it’s just as well I can’t. We went down to Echo yesterday morning and bailed her out and I thought how fond I am of her, and of the many happy hours we spent on her. “See you soon, I hope, little boat,” I thought.

It’s a scary time and I don’t exactly relish the time in hospital. But it’s got to be done, and I look forward to enjoying some quiet time, after this hectic period, to read, maybe write more poetry, and catch up on some sleep. I’ve had the Worried 3ams for a while now. I must use the time wisely and actually enjoy a period of relaxing and reading.

I met Fiona last night who is already planning to take me to the cinema, out for lunch etc until we can go walking again. The Lone Sailor is planning trips, too, as are my other lovely friends.

So think of me on Friday when the lone sailor will drive me in at some ungodly hour of the morning. (Having just had a call from the hospital to confirm Friday “subject to bed space,” I hope to god it won’t be postponed.)

On the basis that it does all go ahead, soon it will be over, and I can start looking forward to the spring. And to summer, and lots of singing, sailing, walking and all the other things I enjoy so much.

This time next week I could be coming home - just think of that…


Sally said...

Yes, this time next week! That's a good thought to hang on to. We'll all be there for you Sue, sending good happy vibes when we can't visit.
Lots of love to you xx

Dc said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for Friday and that it goes ahead. The first few days will probably be a bit of a blur but once you are home again, just take time to do things. You will heal but it will take time.

Frugal in Bucks said...

All will be good. Sending love and positive thoughts. X

Kim @ Him, Him Me said...

Will be thinking of you on Friday & the coming days. Take care of yourself

Trubes said...

Good luck FP thinking of you

love Di,,xx

elegancemaison said...

Dear FP - I am so worried that you are worried. I had the same 'total' op many years ago when my children were grown up and it really wasn't such a big deal. But then I'm not scared of ops. I've even had another since for a nasty appendix and felt the same. I don't take the pre-meds because I was told that they can make you sick on awaking from the anaesthetic. Maybe I'm unusual as my mother and sister were/are terrified, so sorry if I seem a bit unfeeling. But what I want to say is - please, please get HRT prescribed immediately following the op. It was a deal I made with the surgeon and the best thing ever. You can always come off it afterwards if you want to. For me I'm on it for life and the devil is still waiting but my skin and hair are really healthy and other parts are good as well.

I wish I knew your address as I would send you a big bunch of spring flowers afterwards to welcome you into a new and exciting stage of your life. Gosh you even have the Lone Sailor to be beside you. Heave ho! Cx

Melissa Amateis said...

Thinking of you, Sue! I know what those nerves are like. It will be over before you know it, and then you'll have plenty of time to rest and read and relax.

Jane Westwell said...

I understand your dread Sue, having had a scare myself a while ago. Friday must seem like a vast brick wall you can't see over or round... but it will come and go and you'll find yourself on the other side. Lots of people thinking of you :-)

Rena George said...

Good luck for tomorrow, lovely lady. I'll be thinking about you. Rena xx

CarolW said...

Good luck. Hope it all goes well :-)

ADDY said...

It'll be fine, says one who has been through it. Just think of it as a mere 24 hours when you will naturally feel frightened, but then quickly put into a comfortable sleep. When you wake, it will all be behind you will start to pick up again. What's 24 hours in a lifetime? Wishing you lots of courage and will think of you on Friday. x

Flowerpot said...

Thanks Rena - will be glad to get it over with! xx

Flowerpot said...

Thanks so much Addy. Very reassuring! x

Flowerpot said...

Carol - thanks to you too!

Flowerpot said...

Jane - thanks for kind comments and sorry you had a scare too. x

Flowerpot said...

Melissa - thanks too!

Flowerpot said...

Elegance - I think I'm bound to be apprehensive but I ache many lovely people to support me which is terrific. As I've gone through the menopause wihtoutproblems I should';t need HRT but thanks for the info. xx

Flowerpot said...

Trubes - thanks x

Flowerpot said...

Kim, Frugal and Dc - thanks too!

Anonymous said...

Dear Flowerpot, I feel terrible for neglecting my blogging buddies recently and have been through some of your previous posts to catch up. Heck. I've missed far too much. Sounds like you've had a rough time of late but I'm pretty sure you'll come out of it stronger and with lots of positivity.

Take great care of yourself.
CJ x

Akelamalu said...

We were away last week so just catching up with my blog reading. Everything will be fine Sue, just look forward to summer when you will be completely recovered and back to normal. x

ADDY said...

Hope it all went smoothly and you are feeling much better already. x

Flowerpot said...

Addy - well I'm glad it's over! And very glad to be home thanks x

Flowerpot said...

Ak - I'm looking froward to that bit too! x

Flowerpot said...

CJ - I am being well looked after tha nks. Hope you are OK too xx

Jane Westwell said...

So good to hear it's behind you Sue. What a relief that must be! Now you can concentrate on recovering, and look forward to being well and fit again and having a lovely summer :-) xx

Jane Westwell said...

So good to hear it's behind you Sue. What a relief that must be! Now you can concentrate on recovering, and look forward to being well and fit again and having a lovely summer :-) xx

Flowerpot said...

Jane - thanks - that's the plan!

Trubes said...

Hi Sue, so glad you're home and being well looked after, Take you time in recovering, if you try to do too much too soon, it'll be one step forward and two steps backward, I speak through experience...
Soon be summer and from all accounts we're going to have a good one !
Take care,
love Di..xx

Flowerpot said...

Trubes - yes I am taking it easy thanks. Cant really do anything else! x

Kim @ Him, Him Me said...

Glad that you are home Sue. Hope all is going well for you & you are starting to feel more like you again.
Will be thinking of you.


elegancemaison said...

Just checking back to see how you are. Glad to read that all seemed to have gone well and you are back home and being looked after.

Wishing you a speedy recovery to full fitness. You now have a summer of sailing and walking to look forward to! Cx

Flowerpot said...

C - new post on its way! xx

Flowerpot said...

Kim - thanks for your kind thoughts. Just about to send next post!