Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Another book!

Last Friday I had the unexpected - and fantastic - news that my publishers would like me to write another walks book. Which, obviously, I’m really pleased about. I’m going to give myself a bit longer this time, as it was such a stress and rush to get Poldark finished in time for March this year.

Also, what most people don’t realise is that if my next book is published at Easter 2018, I won’t receive any money for it until July 2018. So I want to give myself enough time to research the book (which involves a lot of reading and planning), do the walks, write them up, take and edit the pictures, and do the maps. As well as find some other work which obviously is vital to pay the bills in the meantime.

I’ve also got quite a lot of publicity lined up to coincide with the new series of Poldark on TV as from 4 September. I enjoy doing this, but it takes time to write a presentation, put the slides together, travel to and from the event, sort out dog care etc.

I am so pleased - and proud - to be an author, and to have a publishing company that evidently value my work. I work hard to sell my books - authors have to nowadays - and it’s really lovely to be appreciated by readers and editors. But I don’t think some people realise what hard work it is, nor how badly paid!

But I’m not complaining. Yesterday afternoon Moll and I walked at Devoran, as I was over there for a rehearsal. We didn’t go out till late as it was hot, and Moll was a bit droopy in the heat. But as we climbed up the hill, I looked out over the fields, emerald green in a sleepy heat, at the church tower rising serenely from the roof tops, and the river bed in the distance, a winding path of secrets. And I thought, aren’t I lucky to live here? Doing something I love.

Today the sun’s shining, so this afternoon we’re off to deliver some Poldark books to a customer in St Agnes, then have an hour on the beach somewhere, maybe pick some mussels. If it means working this evening, and/or this weekend, that’s fine by me.


Dc said...

Well done on another request for a new book.

Flowerpot said...

Thanks DC - very cheering!

Kim @ Him, Him Me said...

Congratulations on the new book offer. I hope you enjoy getting ready for this next one. Loving that beautiful blue sky in the photo. We've just has grey or white clouds for most of the week but the sun is glorious at the moment, so I may just do 1/4 hours weeding before i go to work this evening.
Love to Mol

Flowerpot said...

Hi Kim - thanks for that. Hope you got to do some weeding - love from Moll to you! X

Annie said...

Congrats on the new book offer. You have so much to give, it is wonderful to see it appreciated. Thanks for your response to my first post re a social life. As an artist, my creative juices best run when alone, but your comments were well received and spot on. You do live in a beautiful part of the world - I think that's terrific - and I so love your blog. You are so joyous, it's contagious.

Flowerpot said...

Thanks Annie, what a lovely comment! I have to be on my own to write, but I do feed off others and of course, what Cornwall has to offer, which is so much. Take care X

ADDY said...

Congratulations. I expect Moll is very happy to accompany you on your research too.

Flowerpot said...

Thanks Addy - yes she will love the research!

Chris Stovell said...

I'm so sorry to have taken so long to catch up with your news. After the scare about my sight, I've been out and about as much as possible so blogging's taken a bit of a hit. Many congratulations on the new book - I do understand and empathise with the financial concerns, I used to think one day I might be able to buy myself a second-hand car but I'd still struggle to buy a decent bike! I do hope you've received the payment that was owed to you now. The photos of your book launch are lovely - and congratulations on selling so many copies. Good to catch up, Cx

Flowerpot said...

Thanks Chris and so glad the scare over your sight is over. Tough being an author isn't it?! But we love idxx

Trubes said...

Hi Sue,
I'm delighted to read your good news, you must be delighted and good luck with
your new book.
I'm curious to know what other things you do in between writing and publishing
your books, to earn some income,as you say, 'to pay the bills', it must be very
difficult for you?
I guess all your hard work will give some decent financial reward in the not
too distant future, you deserve it.
best wishes,

Flowerpot said...

Hi Di, lovely to hear from you. I've just signed up to a casting agency to see if I can get some work from them - otherwise journalism is a bit thin on the ground at the moment!

Colette McCormick said...

Congratulations on the book. I'm sure you and Moll will love the research.