Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Summer Solstice and on

On Monday we decided to take advantage of this glorious weather and headed over to St Agnes to see the sun go down for the summer solstice. As you can see, it did us proud: this is two of my friends having a quiet moment, watching the last of the sun's rays disappear. It really was very special and I was glad that for once I had the camera.

On Sunday we had a picnic over at Polly Joke on the north coast, one of our favourite places, and had to get home in time to go and see Fisherman's Friends. On the way back, we passed a lonely young figure plodding along the road (no pavements) and stopped to give him a lift.

It turned out the poor fellow had been camping in Newquay, been for a swim that morning and had his phone and money stolen. Further more, he had just started working at a fish and chip shop and was supposed to be there by 12 noon – when we picked him up it was already nearly 2pm and of course he couldn't contact them as he'd had his phone taken.

We went home via Truro (not exactly on our way but we couldn't let the poor fellow be even later) and headed off to see Fisherman's Friends. A great gathering at the sea shanty festival and hundreds of people enjoying the good weather. We topped that off with a drink in the pub on the way home, and had a mighty fine day.

Yesterday I said goodbye to the editor of Cornwall Today going on maternity leave and met the new editor. Then Molls and I went down to Helford and I had my first swim of the year.



Unknown said...


Chris Stovell said...

Wonderful post, Fp. Well, the good thing for both of us is that when the going gets tough we can both go to the beach - we did that too! Unfortunately we didn't get to round off the evening listening to sea shanties. What good samaritans you were to help the stranger along the road - I hope it makes up for the lowlife who made off with his phone and wallet.

Akelamalu said...

I would so love to live near a beach and the sea.

I imagine that young man was so grateful for the lift you gave him - hope he didn't lose his job.

Flowerpot said...

Chris - nothing like running off to the beach is there?! Poor lad I did feel sorry for him - hope the ****s that nicked his stuff get their comeuppance!

Becky said...

What a lovely start to what looks like a glorious summer ahead of us ..fingers crossed x

Lane Mathias said...

Poor chap. What a bad day he had.

Wonderful photo!

Flowerpot said...

Ak - I hope he didn't lose his job either - he'd only been there four days!

Cathy said...

Beautiful photo, makes me nostalgic for Cornwall.

Anonymous said...

Great photo!
Interesting post.
Thanks for this.

All the best, Boonsong

Flowerpot said...

Becky - well I hope you're right about the weather! Though we could do with some rain at night here - looking a bit parched.

Talli Roland said...

It does sound like bliss! Meanwhile I'm stuck in steamy London... sigh!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

How glorious.

What lovely people you are to help that poor chap, I do hope they still held the job open for him.

Amanda said...

Sounds perfect. Gorgeous picture :-)

Flowerpot said...

Lane - he had had a bad day - I hope it improved!

Cathy - yes, Cornwall is looking wonderful right now.

Flowerpot said...

Boonsong - good to meet you and hope you call by again soon!

Flowerpot said...

Talli - yes, I don't envy you being stuck in London in weather like this. (Or at any time for that matter!) But I've done my stint in London..

Debs - yes I do hope so too, poor fella!

Liane Spicer said...

Beautiful. Such serenity.

Poor hitchhiker, though. I sympathize, especially as I've just gone through the whole 'thieves breaking in house and stealing everything in sight' experience.

Flowerpot said...

Liane - you poor thing. That must be one of the worst things ever.

Anonymous said...
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Flowerpot said...

I don't read Japanese but I'm guessing that I don't want those comments on my blog...