Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Gig and Confidence

The weather's been too bad to take pictures recently, but this was taken several weekends ago on one of our Cornwall Today walks. The walker at work - with camera, tape recorder etc. Though Moll is ahead, nose in a cowpat probably. She rarely suffers from lack of confidence.

Thanks for all your good wishes last week. Thankfully, I woke up one night and found the heavy foot that had been sitting on my chest for the past week had lifted. I still coughed a lot but it was freer, easier, so I could start to sing again.

So that was a great relief, and the gig went really well. I have to say that my confidence in singing with just three of us stems from my friend Paul’s monthly parties in Mylor Bridge where he hires a hall, we all take food and drink and then sing or perform afterwards. The first time I sang with him and Janet I was so terrified I thought I was going to fall over, my legs were literally shaking so much.

But I got over that, and the next time was easier. And the time after that, and after I went wrong at Prussia Cove, and laughed it off, I thought, well that’s the worst that can happen and I survived it.

So on Saturday, while I was nervous, I got up on stage with Paul and Janet and thought, “this is going to be OK.” It’s a smallish stage but feels friendly, and I opened my mouth, and realised I was going to enjoy it. Which I did!

Confidence is such a tricky thing, I find. Lack of it has been my downfall for most of my life, so finally gathering some together is a real joy. It doesn’t take much to knock me down, but at least now I have stakes to hold onto and haul myself back up. I have (in no particular order) my work, singing, some very special friends and boating.

What do you use to pick yourself up with?


Akelamalu said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better and enjoying the singing.

I find if I can laugh at myself it increases my confidence. :)

Flowerpot said...

That's a very good tip, Ak. Good point! x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Glad to hear you're feeling much better and that you had a great time singing.

Sometimes I feel quite confidence, but other times I don't at all, I'm not sure why.

Chris Stovell said...

Confidence - if only we could bottle it as my mum always says! I'm glad it worked out and you enjoyed the singing despite the pre-gig nerves. (Lovely photos too).

ADDY said...

I usually try to convince myself that we are all descended from monkeys really and that in the jungle or forest, we are all equal, foraging for food and geneally getting on with surviving. I can't imagine monkeys having panic attacks or being self-conscious about anything, so why should I be like that? That then gives me the confidence to face things I was otherwise frightened of! Sounds daft, when I put it in print, but it works for me!

ADDY said...

I usually try to convince myself that we are all descended from monkeys really and that in the jungle or forest, we are all equal, foraging for food and geneally getting on with surviving. I can't imagine monkeys having panic attacks or being self-conscious about anything, so why should I be like that? That then gives me the confidence to face things I was otherwise frightened of! Sounds daft, when I put it in print, but it works for me!

Flowerpot said...

Addy - I don't think that sounds daft at all. Very sensible!

Flowerpot said...

Chris - if only we could bottle it!

Flowerpot said...

Debs - I feel like that too. Strange isn't it? I'm quite mercurial at times!

Colette McCormick said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better.
Self confidence? What's that? Can't say I've ever had any.

Flowerpot said...

Colette - it's an emphemeral thing, isnt it? :)

Rena George said...

Hi Sue, so glad you're feeling better.
This confidence business is a strange thing. When you've got it you can feel on top of the world. Then you wake up one morning, and the weather's miserable, you've a headache coming on, and all you want to do is to dive back under the duvet. I'm sure we all have days like this when confidence couldn't be further away.
When this happens I concentrate on convincing myself that I'll be feeling quite different in the morning (which, thankfully, I always do)
But there's confidence, and then there's just sheer courage - and getting up on a stage to sing in front of a real live audience takes courage in bucketloads.
So, well done you! xx

Flowerpot said...

Rena, what a lovely way of describing confidence - and lack of it! And many thanks for your encouragement. I'm not sure about courage but having done it once, it gets a lot easier thereafter! xx