Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Wheezing and spluttering

I was congratulating myself on not having succumbed to any lurgies when I wrote the post last week about our wet review weekend. Hah! Since the weekend I have been wheezing like a chain smoker on 40 Players a day, and am astonished by how much I’m sleeping.

It appears to be a chest infection, something I was well used to in the days when I smoked heavily – which I’m glad to say was nearly 20 years ago. Since then my lungs have remained germ free but a particularly tenacious bug seems to have settled in there. Sometimes it just makes my chest feel tight, but if, like last night, Paul made me laugh too much, I started coughing and couldn’t stop. So I blame it all on him…

We have a big gig at the Poly in Falmouth on Saturday, though, so I am desperate to be well enough for that. Three of us are singing a couple of numbers which we’ve been rehearsing for weeks, and it would be too unfair not to be able to perform. Although the mere thought of it sends me into spasms of terror.

So think of me on Saturday evening. I will either be wracked with nerves, and spluttering quietly in a corner. Or wheezing and grinding my teeth at home. I hope, knowing me, it will be the former. By hook or by crook…..


Sally said...

I do hope you will be better. These chest infections can be tenacious! :)

Flowerpot said...

Thanks Sally - I know you've had your fair share of them this year!

Akelamalu said...

I hope you're feeling well enough for the gig on Saturday. I presume you have anti-biotics for the chest infection?

Flowerpot said...

My doc said no antibiotics, Ak, but I have an inh aler which helps.

ADDY said...

Kay says a lots of infections clear up without antibiotics these days, so doctors only prescribe those as a last resort. Get well soon. x

Melissa Amateis said...

Feel better soon! Chest infections are no fun. Take as many naps as you can. :)

Flowerpot said...

Melissa - I will do!

Flowerpot said...

Addy - that's what the doc said too. Just wish it would hurry up!

Rena George said...

A lovely hot toddy (with a good glug of brandy) works wonders!
I'm keeping everything crossed for you making that Saturday gig, Sue.
Take very good care of yourself. xx

Flowerpot said...

Rena - I'd better get some brandy! Shame they dont sell those miniature bottles anymore...!

Anonymous said...

There have been an awful lot of bugs about this winter, and some pretty nasty too.

Hope the gig goes well.
CJ x

Flowerpot said...

CJ - thanks! Fingers crossed x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I hope you're feeling much better by now and that Saturday went well. So many people are suffering from lurgies at the moment; roll on Spring!

Flowerpot said...

feeling loads better thanks Debs - and the gig went really well!