Thursday, 4 April 2019

I'm Back!

I had, I must say, sort of stopped thinking about my blog. As I wasn't getting any comments on it, I presumed that no one read it. Until recently, when several people have said, "Why aren't you writing your blog? I really miss it!"

My reply was that doing Facebook and Twitter posts for book purposes take up time, but actually that's a pretty feeble excuse. And if people out there like to read this, then that's great. Let me know! So - to Av, Rose, Col, John and Paul, and anyone else who does like to read this, I will make an attempt to write this once a week. Again.

But how to catch up over the past eight months? Well, the break up mended, after a lot of tears and heartache. By which I mean we got back together again, but those of you who read this will know that by now. Anyway, just for the record.... Then my dear tenant who'd been in the top flat for 16 years had to move into a home. He hadn't actually lived there for months as he was unwell but it took many months to sort the flat out, clear it and redecorate. A young couple finally moved in but they got a job in Bristol so there was another gap, then a lovely couple have moved in last week. And to welcome them, the immersion heater then the shower broke. Then last night we had a huge hailstorm and Mel and Joe's kitchen ceiling came down. Don't ask.

So there are times when being a landlady is a real pain. Oh, and my phone stopped working this morning so I'm trying to sort that out, and everything else, by email rather than ringing them.

But those hiccups aside, I have some good things going on in my life. Firstly a Belgian friend has started giving French lessons. We meet in the back room of the Seven Stars in Falmouth - a quiet little place with no music, where we aren't disturbed - and she is fantastic! It's so popular she gives two lessons at the moment, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, and we have such fun and learn a huge amount. She is very patient, mind you, gently corrects our mistakes - of which there are plenty - and takes notes all the way through, then types them up afterwards, so we have a full account of each lesson. I am amazed and delighted by how much I - and everyone else - enjoy it. I did a bit of French 20 years ago so it is slowly coming back, but most of the others didn't learn French at school, so you can imagine the steps learning curve. And it's fantastic to use our minds to learn as well.

Also, I have some research work which I am really enjoying and is ongoing for at least the next month which is also good for the grey cells as well as the bank balance. And lastly, I am writing another novel. And I'm half way through. No, I'm not going to say what it's about but it is set in Cornwall and I am so loving writing fiction again.

So that's me for the moment. How about you lot? Dear Andy has finished my new website so please take a look and let me know what you think -

A plus tard!


ADDY said...

Glad to hear you're back and all is well. I used to leave comments regularly on your blog but towards the end they showed as awaiting moderation and were never published. A similar thing happened to me in that i was not receiving comments on my blog either and someone pointed out that they were leaving comments. I discovered you have to go into your comments section and manually publish them. Once i knew that i was able to find and publish comments. Maybe that happened to you too.

ADDY said...

Glad to hear you're back and all is well. I used to leave comments regularly on your blog but towards the end they showed as awaiting moderation and were never published. A similar thing happened to me in that i was not receiving comments on my blog either and someone pointed out that they were leaving comments. I discovered you have to go into your comments section and manually publish them. Once i knew that i was able to find and publish comments. Maybe that happened to you too.

Flowerpot's SIL said...

Oh goody! It's back. You know that I read everything you write, sil. Much love, SS.

CarolW said...

Welcome back! I missed you.

CarolW said...

Welcome back! I missed you.

Flowerpot said...

ah thanks everyone! Addy kindly explained that I had to check comments moderation which I have done and hopefully people can now make comments. Hooray - lovely to see you all back again! XX

Kim @ Him, Him Me said...

Hi Sue,
Glad to see you''reposting again. Seems like you had a rough few months.. I was so pleased to see Molls picture pop up when I checked today. (been checking regularly)
Unfortunately we lost Max (Moll's lookalike) last month. The silly little sod managed to find and eat about a pound of black grapes, which caused his liver and kidneys to fail.It was horrible and he is so missed. For a wee dog, he had a huge character and presence!
Are you still singing as well as writing?
Look forward to reading your posts again.
