Thursday, 31 December 2009


On this last day of 2009 I would like to wish everyone a very happy, healthy and successful 2010.

2009 has been a busy year for me, with a lot more work, progress on the novel front (albeit slow) and the start of a fabulous new choir. I won't dwell on the downside of things, but I hit a very low spot just before Christmas which, as always with me, was caused by a kick in the teeth to my confidence. This pulled me up, made me look at myself and what I'm doing. That's not a bad thing, I find. Being honest with myself is something I find very important.

I woke up early this morning with an easterly wind howling outside the window and snuggled up against Himself and Mollie, and thought about some of the things that had troubled me recently. Two concerned being let down by people. Being oversensitive, I react more strongly to others, I know, and I need to find ways of dealing with that.

But I have some wonderful friends, one of whom I had a long walk with on the Lizard yesterday. We both talked about our troubles, listened to each other and commented where required, comforted where necessary. And as the miles ticked by, and Mollie scampered ahead, oblivious to foolish human troubles, our perspectives changed, settled, normalised.

I liked to imagine our problems blown away by the brisk wind, off towards Porthleven, dashed to smithereens in the fierce waves crashing and pounding off Loe Bar.

I value my friends so much, and am especially happy to have made some very good new ones recently, some through writing, which is even more special.

So to all you friends of mine out there – thank you. I will raise a glass to you all tonight and hope 2010 is a good year for all of us.


pinkfairygran said...

In the words of an old Tamla Motown song... I second that emotion'.

I shall be in bed and fast asleep at midnight, as per usual, but look forward to another year of blogging, following those of my acquaintance, and hope for positive things for myself and everyone I care about.

Akelamalu said...

I may not get by tomorrow m'deario so I just wanted to wish you


Elaine Denning said...

Happy New Year, FP. I hope it is wonderful for you. x

Flowerpot said...

pfg - I will be in bed as well at midnight - no late revelling at Flowerpot House! But have a good one PFG.

Angus said...

What a charming post - take comfort in the fact that the most sensitive are also the most creative. Bonne Annee.

Flowerpot said...

Ak - I wish you the same and hope you enjoy yourself this evening!

Flowerpot said...

Laney - I dare say you will be living it up on behalf of us stooges, so have a good one and hope next year brings you everything you wish forxxxx

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Wishing you a wonderful 2010 and hoping it brings you much writing success. x

Philipa said...

Wishing you a very happy new year, Fp x

Unknown said...

((()))s and wishing for a wonderful 2010!

Colette McCormick said...

Wishing you a wonderful 2010 and loving the photograph.

Pat Posner said...

Happy New year to you and yours, Flowerpot!


Flowerpot said...

Angus - that's a very comforting thought - thank you!

Flowerpot said...

Debs - and the same to you!

Phil - and to you, too. Take care.

Amanda said...

Wishing you a happy and writerly successful 2010 x

Liane Spicer said...

Happy New Year, FP!

Yes, friends help to lighten our burdens, and now we have the added gifts of writing friends and cyberfriends. Blessings indeed.

Flowerpot said...

Liz - and to you. Hope to see you next time you're over here!

Colette - good to see you and I wish you all the best, too. I loved the photo!

Flowerpot said...

Pat - and to you and the boys!

Mandy - and fingers crossed re that agent. Well done you!

Trubes said...

Happy New Year to you FP and himself.
I hope 2010 brings you joy, peace and prosperity.


Flowerpot said...

Liane - very good point. Hope it's nice and hot over with you. Very cold here in Falmouth!

Anonymous said...

Friendship is very important to me also, even though most of my friends are either online or people I have met through my blog. But the support is always there, no matter where it comes from.

Best wishes for a great 2010.

CJ xx

Flowerpot said...

Trubes - many thanks and the same to you!

Jenny Beattie said...

FP, those feelings can be difficult but I'll bet they enrich your writing!

Thank you for your support over the last year. I hope you have a wonderful 2010.


Flowerpot said...

CJ - hope you are able to get out and about a bit more soon. Take care. xx

JJ - let's hope so! And many thanks for support too - all the bestxx

ADDY said...

Happy new year to you too.

Flowerpot said...

Rosiero - and to you too - hope Christmas and New Year weren't too difficult for you.

Lane Mathias said...

I know I'm a bit late but Happy New Year fp!

Flowerpot said...

Lane - and the same to you! Glad to see you again xx

Chris Stovell said...

How did I miss this? So sorry, Fp, I hope the blues are well and truly blown away. I wish you a very happy and successful 2010. Cx

Flowerpot said...

Thanks Chris - all the best to you too!xxxx