Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Good and Bad News

Today is St George’s Day, Shakespeare’s birthday and – last but not least – my Mum’s birthday, so Happy Birthday Penny!

It’s a sunny morning here and the car is now safe to drive having had its brakes fixed so we can drive up to Devon via an interview in Callington on Friday without worrying if the car will stop or not.

Yesterday Himself helped me plant out my broad bean plants as given to me by my dear mate Carole. He returned from doing some work at her house last week and I helped him in with his tools (so to speak) and saw a tray of broad bean plants.

“Darling!” I cried, tears rushing to my eyes. “How thoughtful.”

“Well, actually, they’re from Carole,” he said looking rather pink.

(Chalk that up for future reference if needed. It's always useful to have ammunition, I find, Just In Case.)

So now they are outside in the yard, planted into bigger pots and each with a tall string to climb up, as they’re quite enthusiastic already.

I do love broad beans – when they’re tiny of course, not the big fat chewy ones. The baby ones are lovely raw, or cooked for about a minute or in salads. Roll on broad bean time…

The bad news is, the washing machine has just blown up. As Himself has just said mournfully, "It started off being a good day. And now....."


Chris Stovell said...

Oh, just what you didn't need. What a bummer! Anyway, loved the photo, happy birthday to your mum and totally agree with you about broad beans even if it's Carole who started them off.

Lane Mathias said...

What a great photo. Happy birthday to Penny:-)

Broad beans are great. I like any veg that are easy to grow:-) (well easyish:-)

Flowerpot said...

chrish - well you packed a lot into that! Yes dont mention the washing machine. But at least the sun's shining...

Lane - I quite agree. Not that I'm an expert in growing veg - in fact this is my first Go so to speak...

Philipa said...

Ooh they sound good, bored beans huh? I want to try those - too late to plant from seed I s'pose?

Lovely pic FP

Sorry to hear about the washing machine :-(

Akelamalu said...


I love your remark about ammunition always being useful - you bad woman! ;)

Is the washing machine the 3rd thing to go wrong? I hope so, to end your run of bad luck.

Cornish Dreamer said...

Isn't it typical that things break when you really don't need them to. You know you are welcome to pop over and use our machine if you need it.


Flowerpot said...

Ak - Er no I think the washing machine is the 2nd unfortunately. Not that I'm superstitious of course...

Flowerpot said...

RT - many thnaks for the offer. The new one is supposed to be delivered today so I'm hoping we'll be OK but if not I shall be over!!